An Iowan in Narnia

Well, it’s a gorgeous day under the Mogollon Rim, like C.S. Lewis’s magnificent winter scenes in The Chronicles of Narnia.

For some who think going to Arizona means basking in the summer sun of Phoenix, get a load of this incredible photo my husband shot from our window.


What strikes me is the juxtaposition of the Rim and the icicles: you can focus on either one. We have a friend here who’s fighting for his life after surgery, and know of others facing huge struggles at the beginning of this new year.

One challenge of life is to be able to still see the beauty through our tears … or icicles. We’ve all experienced those times when our hearts grow cold and sore, and will again in the future.

I’ve been working on yet another edit of a pioneer woman’s story that takes place right in this canyon under the Rim. She looked out at the same tall pines replete with snow and the massive ridge that defines this area.

Some things remain the same through the centuries. Women still find their voices though tumultuous times, learn lessons the hard way, and hopefully emerge the better for their struggles.

For me, that’s what writing is all about–telling these women’s stories. I’m so glad to have the privilege, and very grateful to readers who embrace my heroines.



8 thoughts on “An Iowan in Narnia

  1. Focus IS what it’s all about, right? The ability to focus on those distant beauties sometimes eludes but they remain…… good work Gail.

    • So nice to see you here, Dawn. You look like a hale and hearty Iowa girl – right now you’re meeting THE CHALLENGE OF THE COLD! Hey, there’s a title for you – I love, love, love thinking of titles…and you’re certainly right about women and challenges, girl.

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