An Independent Woman

Welcome to Peggy Lovelace Ellis. Congrats to the happy reader who wins a free copy!

February 23, 2025

I’m pleased Gail invited me to her Author Visit page again. I will give a signed copy of An Independent Woman to one reader in the United States who leaves a comment.

I conceived the idea for An Independent Woman, my new Regency Romance standalone set in 1815, when a distant relative gave his beautiful, petite 13-year-old daughter in marriage to a man in his fifties. She was home-schooled and had no friends. A complete innocent. I was appalled but couldn’t do anything about it. I dealt with it in fiction.

Lady Judith Ainsley was young, but smart, when she learned of her father’s devious schemes. Despite the pain of deception and the illusion of a loving father destroyed, Lady Judith devised safeguards for her protection and independence. She had help: a companion, a guardian angel, and a duke whom she could not decide whether to love or to hate.

Major Richard Chadwick inherits a near destitute duchy. As he searches for ways to increase revenue, he uncovers a means to benefit himself but hurting the infuriating, adventurous, reckless woman he is coming to care for. However, before Lord Richard breaks the news, the lady disappears, and everything comes to a standstill while he rushes to her rescue. Will he make it in time? And if he does, will she want him after he reveals the truth?

Here’s an excerpt

Hampshire, England, October 1801

The seven-year-old ragamuffin kicked off her half boots, laughing with delight while she wiggled her toes among dead leaves. The earthy smell rising from beneath the top layer made her nose crinkle. She sneezed and wiped her nose on her sleeve, then tucked her skirts into the top of cotton drawers and climbed the tree until she stood on a broad limb. There were many trees around, but this one had limbs near the ground. Mattie didn’t let her climb trees.

The little miss sank small teeth into a juicy red apple, delighting in the noise. Mattie would frown about that too. Eating whole apples is beneath your social position, she would say. What would she say about all the smudges on her charge’s face? The child didn’t want to know. She didn’t want a governess, but Father insisted she needed lessons Nanny couldn’t teach her, so Miss Matthews had moved into Ainsley Park.

Susanna’s scolds are different. After all, she’s an angel and whispers into her small charge’s mind.

Horse’s hooves interrupted the child’s thoughts about the ridiculous whims of her elders. Probably a groom from Ainsley Park looking for her. She didn’t want to give up these few minutes of stolen freedom. The child peeked through the leaves.

Reining his gray horse to a standstill beneath the tree, the rider reached for an apple. Not an Ainsley groom, but a young gentleman she’d never seen before. Relief bubbled into a mischievous impulse. She tossed her half-eaten apple toward him. It hit the horse, which reared, white-stockinged feet clawing the air.

The unexpected movement sent the rider backward off his mount. His brimmed hat flew in one direction, his apple in another. He scrambled to his feet and soothed the mare. “Sorry, old girl. That apple chose a bad time to separate itself from the tree.”

The girl couldn’t control her giggles, which brought the man’s frowning gaze upward. Afraid now, she lost her footing, tumbling unceremoniously toward the ground. He jumped forward and caught her. They landed in the leaves barely missing the horse’s hooves.

She rolled off him and scooted backward, staring into the prettiest face she’d seen outside her storybook about Greek gods. Glittering green eyes beneath fair curls that tumbled over his forehead stared back at her.

“Did you throw the apple?” He smoothed his face into a superior smirk. “Oh well. You’re only a little girl, not old enough to know better, but don’t throw apples at horses again, understand?”

The voice of the Greek god in her storybook must sound like his, light, not a deep rumble like her father’s voice.

“Little hoyden, your face is filthy.” He stood, hauling her up beside him. Without warning, he kissed the tip of her nose. “There, I’ll wager that’s your first kiss—also your last if you don’t wash your face.”

“My name’s Judith,” she blurted. “What’s yours?”

“Richard.” He rescued his hat from a low limb, then swung himself onto the saddle and spurred his mount.

She shouted after him, “I’ll marry you someday, even if you are prettier than I am!”

His laughter floated back until his mount’s long strides carried him from her sight.

“I will marry him,” she muttered, “or my name is not Judith Elizabeth Ainsley.”

Don’t make rash promises. They might come back and haunt you someday. Now, you must return home.

Judith trudged toward Ainsley Park. Susanna telling her what to do again.

In An Independent Woman, Lady Judith Ainsley learns that the very thing she strived for—independence—might not be what she truly wants. We live in a different era and have vastly different lives, but I believe we experience the same circumstances today.

Thank you for reading!


Erma Ullrey’s blog (below) has so much to say about the connections between pain,

pearls and patience, I asked permission to share with you all. Happy Valentine’s!


FEB 14, 2025

“Did you know … an oyster that has not been wounded in any way does not produce pearls?

A pearl is a healed wound.

Pearls are a product of pain, the result of a foreign or unwanted substance entering the oyster, such as a parasite or a grain of sand.

heart drawn on sand during daytime

Photo by Khadeeja Yasser on Unsplash

The inside of an oyster shell is a shiny substance called “nacre.”

When a grain of sand enters, the nacre cells go to work and cover the grain of sand with layers and more layers to protect the defenseless body from the oyster. As a result, a beautiful pearl is formed!

The more pearls, the more valuable …

God never allows pain without a purpose.

What if your greatest ministry to others comes out of your greatest hurt or deepest wounds?

The hard things we may be going through now are really nothing in comparison to the glory that will be revealed in us later. (Romans 8:17-18)”

-author unknown

… to all the Valentine pearls in the making: hold tight to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!

pink heart art

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Thanks for reading Merry Heart Ink – by Author Erma Ullrey! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

You can connect with Erma: On Facebook – On Instagram – On X (Twitter)


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A Good Read

A friend (thank you Dennis!) sent us this book for Christmas and I want to share it

because it’s chock full of encouraging stories. Just what we need these days, right?

If you speak with groups or teach a class or simply appreciate heartwarming stories

that remind us of the GOOD around us, this read is for you.

I could suggest you put it where it’s handy…perhaps the bathroom, since these snippets

from real life are mostly short–or in your car for sitting-at-stoplight times.

Remembered Joys

Recently I received some copies of my latest novel, PROVIDENCE.

I have to admit, I don’t get as excited about these boxes as I used to, because

my health has forced me to slow down about promoting books. Some authors

despise all aspects of promoting their work, but I especially enjoyed sharing about

the writing process face-to-face, and recalling those times still makes me smile.o

However, it’s still a joy to hold a fresh-off-the-press story that I labored over for

so long–especially this one, since it took longer than any other I’ve ever tackled.

Why? I’m not sure. Maybe I needed to arrive at this age…note wrinkles in photo below…

to have developed a deeper understanding of how essential PROVIDENCE is in

any of our undertakings.

Or perhaps it’s because to accept what life hands us requires trust, and mine has

taken quite a while to grow. Bottom-line, part of trusting is NOT demanding to understand.

So if you or a friend loves Westerns (not WWII this time), this set-in-the-Civil-War-era

tale might make a good Christmas gift. The heroine learns an incredible amount about

herself, her presumptions, her tough-as-nails surroundings, and the astoundingly faithful grace

of what her generation refers to as “Providence.” There’ll be lots of joys in looking back for her

as she ages!


For your winter reading pleasure, a story of old-fashioned pioneer grit on the Westward trail melds with a Texas cowboy’s tale.

In the midst of a catastrophic Civil War, what role does Providence play in everyday folks’ daily challenges, and what might we learn from them?

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Historical Fiction Novelist Gail Kittleson Unveils “Providence,” a Pioneer Adventure-Romance
NASHVILLE, TN (October 24, 2024)— bestselling author Gail Kittleson is celebrating the release of Providence: a novel of the West, which impacted retail on October 9, 2024, in hardback, trade paperback, and all major ebook formats from WordCrafts Press. Kittleson’s latest novel, set during the waning years of the American Civil War, is a bit of a departure from the World War Two era the celebrated novelist is known for. But fans can expect the same level of meticulously researched detail that breathes life and authenticity into all of her novels.
“Garrit, a solid name—you have found a strong husband, daughter.” Mama’s blessing, spoken after their wedding vows and as clear as the stars above, allowed Meta to release her cares at last.Born of solid German stock, Meta Tolzmann Rausch eyed the starry sphere above. Beside her, Garrit’s steady breathing relayed a message—safe in the hands of Providence. Oh, to embrace that truth! Already seven days to the western border of Iowa and then three more to meet the wagon train at Council Bluffs. And their trek had only begun.​​​​​​​Each day took them further away from home, with no return. As she floated between wakefulness and sleep, Garrit draped his arm around her. After long miles on the trail, his warmth soothed her aching muscles.
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This man—strong as the oxen who would pull their wagon on the trail and as determined as the Union Army—this man she had wed.
From the Novel
Autumn, 1863
I cannot say the date for certain, but surely November must be close. The cold seeps in through every hidden entrance, in spite of our careful mudding.
Like sorrow. Like guilt—the reasons I have neglected to write. But now, with the sure knowledge of Franklin’s return and the pullets laying, and Della giving milk like always, hope has taken up steadier residence in my heart.
Who can know their weaknesses? If anything good comes of loss, I expect this sort of understanding might qualify. Frail of faith, fragile of mind, and scrawny of will—ah, how clearly I see myself now.
And yet, I continue to live. Providence knoweth all and so must see some good in me.
Providence required more time than any other book I’ve written,” muses author Gail Kittleson. “I’m not sure why, but the characters developed slowly, and along the way, my writing skills grew, too. Several times I thought this manuscript must be just practice, never to see the light of day. But when my health took a jolt, the characters called to me.

I had a lot of time to ponder their stories and found I liked them too much to toss them out. With considerable more historical research, they started to cooperate, and the result is this novel.”

AIthough the Civil War serves as the backdrop for the novel, the story follows those hearty pioneers who braved the Oregon Trail in hopes of carving a better life for themselves and their families.”I hope readers will learn more about the Civil War era, as I did during this process, and appreciate the parallels to the world we live in today,” Gail says.

“Each season of history has its share of challenges and everyday women and men who rise to meet them. We don’t often think of ourselves as heroes or heroines, but in the long perspective, we may well be, as we seek guidance from what our ancestors called Providence.”
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Image descriptionWords have always been comfort food for Gail Kittleson. After instructing expository writing and English as a Second Language, she began writing memoir. Now, intrigued by the World War II era, Gail creates women’s historical fiction from her northern Iowa home and also facilitates writing workshops/retreats.She and her husband, a retired Army chaplain, enjoy their grandchildren and in winter, Arizona’s Mogollon Rim Country. You can count on Gail’s heroines to ask honest questions, act with integrity, grow in faith, and face hardships with spunk.Visit Gail online at:
Providence: a novel of the West is published in the US by WordCrafts Press and distributed globally by Ingram Content Group, the world’s largest distributor of physical content.Product Details
Hardback: 352 pages
Publisher: WordCrafts Press (October 9, 2024)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1962218665
MSRP: $33.99Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: WordCrafts Press (October 8, 2024)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1962218672
MSRP: $18.99Ebook:
Publisher: WordCrafts Press (October 8, 2024)
Language: English
MSRP: $5.99Free review copies are available in all major ebook formats. For additional information or to request a review copy, please contact:
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Debut Novel!

Remember when your very first novel released, or looking forward to that day? Here’s a new story on my reading list: Tamelia Aday’s The Filbert Ridge Miracle. I welcome Tamelia to share a bit of background info. And she’s offering an e-book to one fortunate commenter, too.

I started writing The Filbert Ridge Miracle when my oldest son was in grade school. I wish I remembered the exact year, but it’s one of those things where you are piecing something together little by little. And in reality, maybe I don’t want to know how long it took me. 

The Filbert Ridge Miracle is about a pastor’s family who live in a small town. They are scrutinized for their unruly children and the wife, Rose, is especially considered odd. 

I had a germ of an idea of this mom, feeling the judgement of others, trying to escape into a world that no one knew about. To have a secret life of feeding the homeless and helping the needy. I then considered what if one of her children went missing. I pictured her on the streets looking for her son. The raw parts of this story had their moments on a word processor floppy disk, marked “Free Time.” 

Years later, the whole direction of the story changed with a miracle in the church parking lot. At that moment I was in the voice of Patrick, who before had almost no part in the story. Everything shifted and Patrck’s feelings and aggravations flowed across the page becoming the first chapter which changed the rest of the book. I found my voice the same time Patrick let me use his. 

Piecing together a parking lot miracle to a missing child was a challenge, but through a lot of throwing out of material—another whole book’s worth probably—it came together.

The Filbert Ridge Miracle is published by WordsCraft Press. Available on Amazon in e-book, paperback, and hardback

From the back cover

It was October 7, 1967.

The festival in Filbert Ridge, Oregon, came early, and many wondered if they had followed the usual tradition of celebrating the hazelnut harvest on the second Saturday of October, perhaps things would have gone in a different direction. 

Instead, town history and the lives of its citizens changed forever.

Get in touch with Tamelia

New Word

Our middle school teachers told us it’s good to increase our vocabulary, right? I mean, most often we prefer a variety of flowers in our gardens, not all tulips, all primroses or ALL daisies. Pretty soon we’ll be planting or cultivating our plot, so flowers have been on my mind lately.

I’ve also been working on a story set in Texas the early 1920’s, not my usual timeframe. Like every era, this one has its share of unique sayings, and the state of Texas? It’s rampant with dialectical goodies!

Our language provides such a wide variety of words and phrases that it’s also fun to learn new ones. Some of my recent new words have come as a result of studying Spanish, but others just pop up in my reading.

Ever hear of agathokakological? This eight-syllable word teeming with awkward letters means “composed of both good and evil.” Difficult to repeat, but it fits in so many settings–offhand, how many can you think of?

It’s kind of like ambivalent–we’ve all experienced feeling this way. Mixed emotions often get our attention. Our ideal is for things to be perfect…just the way we’d like. But that rarely happens, so we find ourselves liking some parts of certain situations, others not so much.

I doubt I’ll be pronouncing agathokakological any time soon, but this ungainly word will most likely stick in my mind. And I’ll probably think it at times, even if I don’t say it.


I’m so pleased to introduce Monica McCann to you all. She’s one of the contributing authors in  A Hill Country Christmas- Truths for Troubled Trails. A former teacher, she’s helped introduce writing to many students, and now gets to GO FOR IT herself! I appreciated her thoughts here, since I’ve also written notes for a novel on many an unworthy scrap of paper. We’ll be hearing more from Monica, I’m sure of it!

Monica says…

I always imagined when I “became a real writer” that my writing would be this organized, linear, easy telling of a story on paper. After all, I have been telling stories to myself, to my pets, to my best friend my whole life.  Ha! Silly me. 

I have two novels and two short stories that I am in the middle of and none of them just flow from my fingers to my laptop. I have sticky notes and legal pads and 30 tabs open on my computer screen for research (yes,30, I just counted them).  I am not claiming this is the best way, this is just my way. 

What I have found to be true is that “writing” happens at all hours, in inconvenient places and not always on paper. It can be messy.  Stories appear as we go about our day. Inspiration will dawn suddenly and as my daddy always said, “Gotta make hay while the sun shines.”  

Sometimes that happens while you are on a plane dutifully reading a book to help you with your fear of the editing process. The exercise in this book shed light on one of my unfinished novels that lays waiting in the dark. I knew my aging brain would remember only part of the idea if I wrote it later, so I wanted to get it down.

 I hadn’t brought my laptop or a notebook, and the tiny napkin from my airline refreshment would handle very little of my swoopy cursive. What did I find? The airsick bag! My whole row’s air-sick bags. Yep, I am a real writer.

One of my short story ideas started with a person and a geographical location. That led me to his sister, who authored a book about the place, which led me to another historical website, and there was my story waiting for me. 

 Driving to town yesterday, a song on the radio made me think about what it would be like to look someone in the eye that you had thought was lost to you in time. Suddenly my idea became two living, breathing people. I get horribly carsick so writing while sitting in the car is not my favorite, but I grabbed my new notebook out of my bag (My husband, appalled at my behavior on the airplane, bought me two.) I wrote feverishly, and oh so messy, in my notebook for the entire hour drive. 

Today I am back at the computer, translating my scribbles from yesterday, and the voice memo I made for myself while walking this morning. A few more tabs of research will be opened.  The husband or the dogs will interrupt me a dozen or more times, so the “writing” continues in my head.

 I will continue to gather sticky notes and other pieces of my story here and there. None of this disqualifies me as a “real writer.” I am so thankful for people that encourage me to just tell the stories. 

I think the truth I have been learning is the same truth the Velveteen Rabbit learned.

“Real isn’t how you are made,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.’

‘Does it hurt?’ asked the Rabbit.

‘Sometimes,’ said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. ‘When you are Real you don’t mind being hurt.’

‘Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,’ he asked, ‘or bit by bit?’

‘It doesn’t happen all at once,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”

 Margery Williams Bianco, The Velveteen Rabbit

         Becoming a real writer is something that happens as you write. It is sometimes painful, often messy, and in the end, wonderfully real.

Tools of the trade

Monica McCann is one of the contributing authors in 

A Hill Country Christmas- Truths for Troubled Trails.

A Christmas Gift

I’ve gotten to know my Words With Friends partner, Erma Ullrey, a bit better. She’s a writer, too, and it’s fun to banter as we endeavor to beat each other at the Scrabble-like game.

Just recently I learned more about the story she her husband have lived for the past six years–what a challenge they’ve faced! During this time Erma has written a children’s book…here’s the cover. Don’t you love the concept of a snowflake afraid to fall because it knows it’ll melt?

You can read all about it as we reflect on Christmas 2023 and the New Year. May Erma’s words increase our appreciation for every breath we take.

CHRISTMAS IS…God’s Breath of Life

By eMarie

More than six years ago, my husband Bert and I reeled when he received the staggering diagnosis of stage 4 cancer. No signs or symptoms, and never a history of cancer in his family. From that moment on, when he fell on his knees, I knelt beside him. When he rose up in faith, I cheered him on. When he felt well, we celebrated. 

I wore an impenetrable stoic face all day, every day. Although I believed God and took Him at His word, in my quiet moments I felt and acted more like Jacob. I didn’t have a visible wrestling match with the Lord, but an intense spiritual battle raged. Especially after reading the statistical prognosis for Bert’s disease. “Hopeless” fit the percentage. The doctors had already told us as much. But faith said these outcomes and statistics hadn’t met our God. Faith said nothing is impossible with Him.

The Lord invites us in Hebrews to come and reason with Him.

I came, but I was beyond reason. I didn’t have the peace of an overcomer, the peace that insured the battle had been won. I cried out to the Lord asking, wanting, needing something personal from Him. Something to demonstrate that even though I didn’t see it, He was at work, able to heal sicknesses of every kind, including cancer. That He cared about what was happening to Bert. That every promise in His word was still true and still ours. Jehovah would continue to be faithful, able, and in control of every aspect of our lives.

A snapshot flashed across my mind. I glimpsed the crossroads in Sacramento, CA where I first became a believer at age 19. Then, as if He needed it, I reminded the Lord of His covenant, His many promises throughout all generations. And that one of His names is Emmanuel—God with us. I prayed – Lord, if you’re still with us, show me that you are.



I got in the car that day to go to lunch with a group of Bible study friends. As I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, I again asked for some revelation that He was the same miracle-working God.

Beyond frustrated with this unanswered prayer, I walked up to the restaurant and released a deep exhale. As I watched, my breath formed a vapor, lingering in the frosty air. 

God’s word awakened my spirit.

“Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life…” (Gen. 2:7)

I stood stunned at the answer He’d shown me!

Every breath was, is, and always will be proof of God’s existence, love, faithfulness. He graciously made visible to me what He’d provided all along. Life! For, from, by, and in Him!

My wrestling ended there and then, and a deeper sense of wonder was birthed. That afternoon, in an effort to capture what God graciously demonstrated in that spine-tingling moment, I penned the first words to A Snowflake’s Adventure.

…six years later, by God’s grace and strength, my husband praises the Lord for each new day he’s been given to live for Him.

A Snowflake’s Adventure is a story of God’s breath of life to every child He’s ever created. Unique. Purposeful. We are His one-of-a-kind design. Each. And. Every. One.


 (To the glory of God, we have donated A Snowflake’s Adventure, a #1 Amazon children’s book to more than 500 children around the world through OCC/Samaritan’s Purse. For every book sold, one is donated!)

I appreciate your purchases, and please leave a review on Amazon. Thank you!

Of burrs, the heavens, and Christmas…

As Christmas nears, I can’t dream up a story more inspirational than Katie Luther’s…brings us back to the true meaning of this season. The photo from last year here in Pine fits because “The heavens are telling the glory of God…” And so does the powerful metaphor this woman used on her deathbed!
This is a reprint from the Christian History Institute, with the author listed below. 

Wednesday, December 20 – Daily StoryFighting for Life, Katharina Luther Clung to ChristKATHERINA VON BORA’S LIFE was one of hard work and solid virtue. When she was a young girl, her father placed her in a German convent following his remarriage. She heard Luther’s teachings in her early twenties and accepted his doctrine of justification by faith alone. With some other nuns she contacted the reformer, requesting help to escape the convent. Luther arranged for a delivery-man to smuggle the women out in empty fish barrels. Luther asked the families of the young women to take them back. When they proved unwilling, he found husbands for all of them. However, he was not able to find a place for Katie. Eventually he proposed to her and married her the same day. They seem to have been a happy couple. Her hard work and practical domestic skills (budgeting, raising livestock, and brewing beer) fed and clothed them, their children, several orphans, and the many students who boarded with them. After Luther’s death, Katie reared their younger children alone for six years. Elector John Frederick, the ruler of Saxony, set up a small trust fund and helped her purchase a farm near Wittenberg. However, her land was taxed unmercifully by contending armies during the Schmalkaldic War, leaving her in crushing poverty. As a result, she had to flee. Her animals were confiscated and her house burned to the ground. After peace was restored, Katie borrowed a thousand gulden to rebuild. To repay her loan, she took student boarders. When plague broke out in Wittenberg in 1552, the university staff and students moved to Torgau, a place less affected by the disease. With her boarders gone, Katherina was again in dire financial straits. She decided to follow the university, but her decision proved catastrophic. At the end of the sixty mile trip, not far from the gate of Torgau, her horses bolted and she had to leap from the wagon into a lake. She was lifted from the water severely bruised. Friends carried her into the city. Although she fought for life for three months, the pain and hardships of her latter years sealed her inevitable end. Her last recorded words were, “I will cling to my Lord Christ as a burr on a coat.” On this day, 20 December 1552 she died. Next day, the entire university turned out for her funeral.—Dan Graves

The magazine, Christian History, is offered on a donation basis and you can sign up for a year for free here: