Recently someone asked what success looked iike to me. This was on a blog following an amazing book launch to Texas Hill Country, the setting of my latest work.
In the process of collecting Christmas stories from the Hill Country, an area where pioneers had to work extra hard to eke out a living, I met four other authors–or would-be ones. And this connection revealed the answer to the success question.
Success doesn’t mean entering a contest and winning, even one held by a large writing organization. Success doesn’t mean a huge check coming every month. Success means far more than either of these.
The satisfaction gleaned from two new authors thriled at seeing their names in print equals success. Honestly, this parallels the joy of releasing another novel.

Here is the purchase link for A HILL COUNTRY CHRISTMAS/Hope for Hardscrabble Times:
Success is all about connecting with others and helping make their dreams come true. It’s about working together to produce a quality read that will encourage and delight and cheer readers, all the while showing what we can learn through the incredible history woven through these stories.
From the lady seated next to me on the flight to Texas to my seat mate on the way back, I found history lovers (: Now, back to this north country bedecked with autumn beauty! (Asters picked in our back yard.)