I’m glad to welcome Mary Savarese today. It’s fun to feature authors who write what for me would be a bridge too far! But her Y/A fantasy offers adventure and romance, as well. I hope you venture into her created worlds, cross time barriers, and have fun with Mary’s story. Mary is offering one commenter a HARDBACK COPY of this lovely tale!
This review from the US Review of Books says it all:
“Savarese’s novel is an inventive and original portal fantasy that avoids the genre’s most overused clichés. At moments the story evokes Doctor Who and A Wrinkle in Time, though the plot is unlike anything the reader is likely to have read. Savarese piles incident upon incident, and readers who enjoy a quirky science fiction story with magic and a hint of romance will find much here to entertain.”

Book 1 of the StarWriters Trilogy follows twelve-year old Tyler Charles as he struggles to rescue the love of his life, Callalyly of the House of Montevelli of Siena. Tyler, however, is allowed to call her, Lyly. Tyler lives within the world of today, and Lyly lives inside a world that existed over two centuries ago. When he’s pulled through a lantern portal and slides into a two dimensional world of the toile wallpaper, Tyler must remember his class physics to reverse the effects of an evil wizard’s spell.
When he finally cracks the code and reverses the effects, Tyler finds himself two centuries into the past where noblemen and women dwell, and where the world is quite different. It is in the past where Tyler finally discovers the true meaning of friendship and learns to work around the daily hardships and emotional traumas of life.
“Savarese is skilled at contrasting medieval and modern worlds, flowing between them in a manner that is enlightening and creates no confusion in the transition process, which creates a seamless story based not just on one or two main characters, but a host of special interests and It is written in the stars!” Fantasy fans of high school age and older who look for a blend of mystery, history, and spell-binding intrigue will relish the journey and discoveries which defy time, space, and death.”
— Diane Donovan, Midwest Review
Mary is an award-winning author born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She earned a degree in accounting from City University, NY and worked within the insurance and financing world. Her debut novel, Tigers Love Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume (who knew!) is a contemporary spiritual mystery that transcends three genres … mystery, spirituality, and romance, and won eight national book awards. Mary was a religious education teacher and is now a Eucharistic minister for the Catholic church. After raising a family in Connecticut, she moved to Florida with her husband and spends her time writing entertaining and unusual stories.
Follow on www.maryksavarese.com and social medias
Just published by Indignor House & available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Independent Book Stores.
https://amzn.to/3BnuJx4 Amazon Softcover
https://amzn.to/3mSCsPw Amazon Hardcover
https://bit.ly/2WFMSaw Barnes & Noble

Mary K. Savarese
Tigers Love Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume (who knew!)
a Cozy Mystery Romance with a Spiritual Twist
She’s Here…
The Girl in the Toile Wallpaper
a Fantasy Adventure Trilogy with Romance
Visit www.maryksavarese.com for more updates
Thank you Gail! What an honor to be the featured author on Gail’s Dare to Bloom website. I am so thrilled to give away one hardcopy of the Girl In The Toile Wallpaper, my latest fantasy adventure trilogy intertwined with romance. It is so amazingly artistic with inside flaps! Created by my publisher, Indignor House.
May you only have beautiful blooms in your lives.
So happy to have you here, Mary.
Thank you!
Like you Ms. Gail, I could never attempt to write in this genre, but love learning about Ms. Mary today. It never ceases to amaze me how God can bestow such gifts of creativity on some, and how together we can fill the world with Him. As writers, we each have unique talents and skills that can reach across genres to help others develop and grow their gifts. Thank you for sharing Ms. Mary with us today.
My pleasure, sir.
Hi J.D.
I couldn’t have said it better myself! No wonder you’re an accomplished writer. Everyone has been given a beautiful and incredible talent gift by God. Some have found it and marvel, others are still in search. Never give up on yourself!
Sounds like an intriguing book. ThNks for sharing.
Thank you so much. So wonderful to be meeting you this way!
I love fantasy because it takes me back to the wonder of fairytales. I’ve tried my hand at one YA Fantasy/mystery loosely based on Hopi folklore. I have another fantasy cooking in my head, and I’d love to read The Girl in the Toile Wallpaper! I suspect I’m going to have to read Tigers Love Bubble Baths… too. Thanks for sharing your writing on Gail‘s blog!
Thank you Suzanne. So kind of you to say!
I read more fantasy as a teenager and still recall how much I liked the genre. Our “almost adults” need books they can enjoy. We learn so much from reading and it is a great stress reliever. Mary, thank you for writing books our younger folks can enjoy. My daughter still likes to read fantasy. My reading interests have changed, but I enjoyed meeting you. Wishing you both a blessed week.
Hi Katherine,
Thank you for your kind words. I was humbled with my Midwest Review where Diane Donovan recommended readers from high school to older. And yes I agree sometimes reality is too real and we like to escape to a place of fantasy/science fiction.
My Best to You Always,