There’s something about connecting with history lovers–it’s a natural high for me, and this past week in Texas Hill Country I got to do it every single day. I’m still “coming down” from this trip, and basking in the memories of so many people intent on the history of World War II and other eras in their hometowns.

Thanks to India Houser of the Junction newspaper, who took these photos during my book talk and sent them to me posthaste!

Such a roomful! I wish I could have talked at length with each person present. But author Lynn Dean and I received a passel of local history during lunch as well as a tour of the original part of the cemetery. Such great stories to research and share in an upcoming volume!
From Wimberley, northeast of San Antonio, all the way to Junction in the northwest, readers gathered at local libraries to discuss reading and writing. How exciting is THAT?!?!
Thanks to the staff and friends of Wimberley, New Braunfels, Boerne, Comfort, Kerrville, Mason, Bandera, and Junction libraries, Land That I Love has made its entrance into Hill Country hearts, and I am so grateful to all those who gave us such a gracious welcome.

A word of thanks, also, to the officers who patrol the highways and byways, keeping us safe on this journey. As with some details of history, it’s easy to take for granted their watchful care. And I would be remiss to neglect a thank you to the many restaurant workers who provided hearty meals along the way.

What a great week! I think every Texan understands how your main character feels in Land That I Love. We love it, too! 🙂
That was so clear everywhere we went. (:
What a warm welcome you got, Gail! Isn’t it nice to be able to travel once again without the fear of Covid?
Good luck with all your books!
Yes, it was GREAT! People are so hospitable, from the heart.
Sounds like a great visit to Hill Country here in Texas Ms. Gail. So very glad you were able to connect with so many folks. A lot of great folks in this part of the world, and I’m glad they were able to meet someone like you to demonstrate that kindness and graciousness is found in Iowa too. God’s blessings gentle friend, and please keep writing our history.
I shall, as long as I’m able.
Sounds like a wonderful trip. I’m a history lover and I’m thankful your writing focuses on preserving and sharing our history. I’ve only visited this area of Texas once. It’s on my list to return. Wishing you continued blessings on your journey.
I think? you are in TX? Hope we can meet some day, Katherine. Maybe in the Hill Country!
Sorry we couldn’t connect while or your were in TX!
Next time!
Being a mountain woman myself, I really enjoyed visiting the Texas Hill Country various times over the years. But, what part of Texas is not the greatest? Second to North Carolina, of course! Great post, great pictures.
Might start a feud here between states!!