Today we welcome Jeff S. Bray and his Hallmark-type novel. Having a male romance author here is unique, so I asked Jeff to share a little about his journey. Enjoy, and please see below for qualifying for his GIVEAWAY of a free signed copy of Little Reminders.
Little Reminders, as with most of my writing, began with a dream. However, the final product came out quite differently than the dream. Yet, two components remained the same, the characters and the premise of the novel that developed. I don’t want to give too much away, but the ‘reminders’ weigh heavily within the dream and the novel’s entirety.

I really wanted to have fun with this one, since my first novel The Five Barred Gate was much more serious. It was about our freedoms as Christians being taken away from us and takes place in a dystopian world where being offensive to another person is illegal. I know that doesn’t seem so far-fetched. I wrote TFBG in 2016 and watched the world decline after it was released. Talk about seeing my writing unfold before my eyes.
So, with Little Reminders of Who I Am, I wanted to do a 180 through writing a love story, a true Hallmark-Saturday-in-your-pajamas book. And I do believe this novel delivers in spades.
My love for food comes from eight years of working in restaurants, which becomes evident in Little Reminders. By default, this makes me the cook in our family, where I am also a stay-at-home-parent of four boys and one girl. My wife goes to work, while I stay at home and run our household. Well, that is a half-truth. As a freelance writer, my job allows me the freedom of being at home.
When I am not fulfilling a client’s demand, I am promoting Little Reminders, penning my next novel, or writing a blog for my website, Moments for the Heart. I enjoy what I do and have had a passion for writing since I was in high school. I would love for you to visit my website, follow me on my FB page, JeffSBrayAuthor, and check out Little Reminders of Who I Am. In fact, I am going to make this interesting. If you complete the following two steps, I will enter your name into a drawing for a free signed copy of Little Reminders of Who I Am.
First, like and follow my Facebook page, JeffSBrayAuthor.
Second, leave a reply to this post saying that you have liked my page.
That’s it. Do those two things and you could win a signed copy of my new release Little Reminders of Who I Am. Thank you again for your time and support.
In His Exciting Service,
Jeff S. Bray

Facebook – – https://www.jeffsbrayauthor.comTwitter – – – –
Liked and following your page Thanks for the chance.
Thank you for your support, Mary. Gook luck to you.
How exciting to have a male romance author! Yes, Jeff, I liked your FB page. Hope I win.
Best of luck to you Bonnie!! Never thought I would write romance. Was somewhat of a shock to me as well. Thank you for your support.
Thank you for introducing us to this gentleman Ms. Gail. I love learning about new writers (to me) and looking for commonalities. In this case, we’re both Texans. LOL Am going to have to find a copy of TFBG. Liked on FB, followed on Twitter. Thank you again for the introduction.
Hey, J.D. Thank you for your likes on both pages. I appreciate your support and God Bless Texas!! Yes The Five Barred Gate is a great book. I trust you will enjoy it. You can find both Little Reminders of Who I Am and The Five Barred Gate on Amazon. I have an Author page there. There are also links on my website under the Novels tab if you have trouble with the above links.
Best to you!!
Charlotte’s own has done it again! “Little Reminders” is such a sweet love story, with the requisite ups and downs as any relationship might have. However, it is in the last chapter we find out what makes a beautiful relationship what it is. Jeff S. Bray is a talented author who has written children’s books, a dystopian novel, and now a sweet romance that will definitely have you reaching for tissues.
Thank you, Marianne. This was definitely a fun, and painful, novel to write. I enjoyed the genre and will revisit it again soon. Let’s just say a certain character’s work is not complete. I think 2021 has another Reminder on the horizon.
Super cool! Like your page? Pssshhh I LOVE your page. Always a joy reading your writing.
Thanks, David!! Appreciate the compliment. It’s always good to hear from a fellow writer.
Congratulations to Nancy Amundson!! You have won a free signed copy of Little Reminders of Who I Am. I have emailed you regarding receiving your copy. Thank you everyone who participated.