Our middle school teachers told us it’s good to increase our vocabulary, right? I mean, most often we prefer a variety of flowers in our gardens, not all tulips, all primroses or ALL daisies. Pretty soon we’ll be planting or cultivating our plot, so flowers have been on my mind lately.
I’ve also been working on a story set in Texas the early 1920’s, not my usual timeframe. Like every era, this one has its share of unique sayings, and the state of Texas? It’s rampant with dialectical goodies!

Our language provides such a wide variety of words and phrases that it’s also fun to learn new ones. Some of my recent new words have come as a result of studying Spanish, but others just pop up in my reading.
Ever hear of agathokakological? This eight-syllable word teeming with awkward letters means “composed of both good and evil.” Difficult to repeat, but it fits in so many settings–offhand, how many can you think of?
It’s kind of like ambivalent–we’ve all experienced feeling this way. Mixed emotions often get our attention. Our ideal is for things to be perfect…just the way we’d like. But that rarely happens, so we find ourselves liking some parts of certain situations, others not so much.
I doubt I’ll be pronouncing agathokakological any time soon, but this ungainly word will most likely stick in my mind. And I’ll probably think it at times, even if I don’t say it.
I’m a word person, too, but your new one???? Ain’t no way I’ll ever pronounce, think, or write it! Hadn’t heard from you in a while. I hope all is well!
Smile. I’ve been negligent of my blog. VERY. I’m bumbling along…hope you’re well.
This is a completely new word in my lexicon, Gail. Like you, I won’t be using it, but I certainly can relate to its meaning. We want all to be as we think it should be, but there will always be those times when we find both good and evil wrapped up in those situations. Those our the moments when we need to lean into the Lord to give us His wisdom and discernment.
Well said! That is for sue. (:
Too funny! I’d do better spelling it than pronouncing it, I think. Looking forward to learning some Texas history along with way with your new book, ma’am.
Me, too! The history of TX intrigues this northern-born girl!